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Version: 0.97.0



The adapter allows to connect devices supporting KNXNet/IP.


The following configuration options are available when creating an adapter:

PLC Address

This field requires the PLC address in form of the IP without the prefixed protocol (e.g.,

Polling Interval

The polling interval requires a number in milliseconds, which represents the interval in which the adapter will poll the PLC for new data. For instance, a polling interval of 1000 milliseconds will configure the adapter to send a request to the PLC every second.

Supported Transports

The following transports are supported by this adapter:

  • udp
  • pcap
  • raw

Transport Metadata





  • local-port: Some connections require a UDP listener to listen on a fixed port. Use this configuration option in order to define the port number of the local port. (INT)

Protocol Metadata



  • knxproj-file-path: Path to the knxproj file. The default KNXnet/IP protocol doesn't provide all the information needed to be able to fully decode the messages. (STRING)
  • knxproj-password: Optional password needed to read the knxproj file. (STRING)
  • group-address-num-levels: KNX Addresses can be encoded in multiple ways. Which encoding is used, is too not provided by the protocol itself so it has to be provided externally:
  • 3 Levels: {main-group (5 bit)}/{middle-group (3 bit)}/{sub-group (8 bit)}
  • 2 Levels: {main-group (5 bit)}/{sub-group (11 bit)}
  • 1 Level: {sub-group (16 bit)}

The default is 3 levels. If the knxproj-file-path this information is provided by the file. (INT)

  • connection-type: Type of connection used to communicate. Possible values are:
  • 'LINK_LAYER' (default): The client becomes a participant of the KNX bus and gets it's own individual KNX address.
  • 'RAW': The client gets unmanaged access to the bus (be careful with this)
  • 'BUSMONITOR': The client operates as a busmonitor where he can't actively participate on the bus. Only one 'BUSMONITOR' connection is allowed at the same time on a KNXnet/IP gateway. (STRING)


The syntax to define tags is based on the PLC4X syntax, see Address Pattern:



Best Practices

Instead of creating a large event containing all nodes that should be available in StreamPipes, consider to group the fields logically into smaller adapters. This will ease the definition of pipelines for users and eases future modifications.