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Version: 0.97.0

Maven Archetypes

In this tutorial we explain how you can use the Maven archetypes to develop your own StreamPipes processors and sinks. We use IntelliJ in this tutorial, but it works with any IDE of your choice.


You need to have Maven installed, further you need an up and running StreamPipes installation on your development computer.

Create Project

To create a new project, we provide multiple Maven Archteypes. Currently, we provide archetypes for standalone Java-based microservices and archetypes for the experimental Flink wrapper. The commands required to create a new pipeline element project can be found below. Make sure that you select a version compatible with your StreamPipes installation. Copy the command into your terminal to create a new project. The project will be created in the current folder. First, the groupId of the resulting Maven artifact must be set. We use groupId: org.example and artifactId: ExampleProcessor. You can keep the default values for the other settings, confirm them by hitting enter.

Choosing the right version

Make sure that the version used to create your archetype matches your running Apache StreamPipes version. In the example below, replace {sp.version} with the proper version, e.g., 0.92.0.

mvn archetype:generate                                           \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.streampipes \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=streampipes-archetype-extensions-jvm \

Project structure

Open the project in your IDE. If everything worked, the structure should look similar to the following image. In the main package, it is defined which processors / sinks you want to activate and the pe.example package contains two skeletons for creating a data processor and sink. For details, have a look at the other parts of the Developer Guide, where these classes are explained in more depth.

Project Structure

Next steps

Click here to learn how to create your first data processor.