Geo Geometry Topology Validation Filter
Validates geometry of topology
erros from JTS.- HOLE_OUTSIDE_SHELL: Indicates that a hole of a polygon lies partially or completely in the exterior of the shell
- NESTED_HOLES: Indicates that a hole lies in the interior of another hole in the same polygon
- DISCONNECTED_INTERIOR: Indicates that the interior of a polygon is disjoint (often caused by set of contiguous holes splitting the polygon into two parts)
- SELF_INTERSECTION: Indicates that two rings of a polygonal geometry intersect
- RING_SELF_INTERSECTION: Indicates that a ring self-intersects
- NESTED_SHELLS: Indicates that a polygon component of a MultiPolygon lies inside another polygonal component
- DUPLICATE_RINGS: Indicates that a polygonal geometry contains two rings which are identical
- TOO_FEW_POINTS: Indicates that either a LineString contains a single point or a LinearRing contains 2 or 3 points
- RING_NOT_CLOSED: Indicates that a ring is not correctly closed (the first and the last coordinate are different)
Required inputs
- JTS Geometry
- EPSG Code
- Validation Type
- Log Output Option
Point Geometry Field
Input Point Geometry
EPSG field
Integer value representing EPSG code
Validation Output
Chose the output result of the filter.
- Valid - all valid events are parsed through
- Invalid - all invalid events are parsed through
Log Output Option
Options to activate Log-Output to the Pipeline Logger Window with detailed reason why Geometry is invalid
Default Validation Checks
All events that match the validation output.