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Version: 0.95.1

Rate Limit


This limits the number of events emitted based on a specified criterion such as time, and number of events.

Required input

The processor works with any input event.


Enable Grouping

Enabling this will use grouping with rate-limiting (note: disabling this will ignore Grouping Field property).

Grouping Field

Runtime field to be used as the grouping key. If grouping is disabled, this setting will be ignored.

Window Type

This specifies the type of window to be used (time / length / cron).

Length Window Size

Length window size in event count (note: only works with length window type).

Time Window Size

Time window size in milliseconds (note: only works with time window type).

Cron Window Expression

Cron expression Link to trigger and emit events (i.e 0 * * ? * * for every minute) (note: only works with cron window type).

Output Event Selection

This specifies the event(s) that are selected to be emitted.

  • First: emit first event of the window.
  • Last: emit last event of the window.
  • All: emit all events of the window.


The processor outputs events which satisfies rate-limiting conditions.