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Version: 0.90.0

Language Detection


Detects the language of incoming text. For a proper detection each text should contain at least 2 sentences.

Supported languages:

  • Afrikaans (afr)
  • Arabic (ara)
  • Asturian (ast)
  • Azerbaijani (aze)
  • Bashkir (bak)
  • Belarusian (bel)
  • Bengali (ben)
  • Bosnian (bos)
  • Breton (bre)
  • Bulgarian (bul)
  • Catalan (cat)
  • Cebuano (ceb)
  • Czech (ces)
  • Chechen (che)
  • Mandarin Chinese (cmn)
  • Welsh (cym)
  • Danish (dan)
  • German (deu)
  • Standard Estonian (ekk)
  • Greek, Modern (ell)
  • English (eng)
  • Esperanto (epo)
  • Estonian (est)
  • Basque (eus)
  • Faroese (fao)
  • Persian (fas)
  • Finnish (fin)
  • French (fra)
  • Western Frisian (fry)
  • Irish (gle)
  • Galician (glg)
  • Swiss German (gsw)
  • Gujarati (guj)
  • Hebrew (heb)
  • Hindi (hin)
  • Croatian (hrv)
  • Hungarian (hun)
  • Armenian (hye)
  • Indonesian (ind)
  • Icelandic (isl)
  • Italian (ita)
  • Javanese (jav)
  • Japanese (jpn)
  • Kannada (kan)
  • Georgian (kat)
  • Kazakh (kaz)
  • Kirghiz (kir)
  • Korean (kor)
  • Latin (lat)
  • Latvian (lav)
  • Limburgan (lim)
  • Lithuanian (lit)
  • Luxembourgish (ltz)
  • Standard Latvian (lvs)
  • Malayalam (mal)
  • Marathi (mar)
  • Minangkabau (min)
  • Macedonian (mkd)
  • Maltese (mlt)
  • Mongolian (mon)
  • Maori (mri)
  • Malay (msa)
  • Min Nan Chinese (nan)
  • Low German (nds)
  • Nepali (nep)
  • Dutch (nld)
  • Norwegian Nynorsk (nno)
  • Norwegian Bokmål (nob)
  • Occitan (oci)
  • Panjabi (pan)
  • Iranian Persian (pes)
  • Plateau Malagasy (plt)
  • Western Panjabi (pnb)
  • Polish (pol)
  • Portuguese (por)
  • Pushto (pus)
  • Romanian (ron)
  • Russian (rus)
  • Sanskrit (san)
  • Sinhala (sin)
  • Slovak (slk)
  • Slovenian (slv)
  • Somali (som)
  • Spanish (spa)
  • Albanian (sqi)
  • Serbian (srp)
  • Sundanese (sun)
  • Swahili (swa)
  • Swedish (swe)
  • Tamil (tam)
  • Tatar (tat)
  • Telugu (tel)
  • Tajik (tgk)
  • Tagalog (tgl)
  • Thai (tha)
  • Turkish (tur)
  • Ukrainian (ukr)
  • Urdu (urd)
  • Uzbek (uzb)
  • Vietnamese (vie)
  • Volapük (vol)
  • Waray (war)
  • Zulu (zul)

Required input

A stream with a string property which contains a text. The longer the text, the higher the accuracy of the language detector.


Simply assign the correct output of the previous stream to the language detector input. To use this component you have to download or train an openNLP model:


Adds two fields to the event:

  1. String Property: The acronym of the detected language which can be seen above.
  2. Double Property: The confidence of the detector that it found the correct language. Between 0 (not certain at all) and 1 (very certain).


Input: (text: "Hi, how are you?")

Output: (text: "Hi, how are you?", language: "eng", confidenceLanguage: 0.89)